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Policeman adopts kitten he rescued from kids’ shocking game

A police officer is now the proud owner of a sweet kitten after saving it from a potentially deadly situation.
According to a Facebook post from animal shelter ANNA, Officer Martin responded to a call about kids using a kitten to play catch with on a sidewalk.
The children were seen tossing the tiny animal back and forth until Officer Martin rescued the “terrified” kitty and brought it to the ANNA shelter, where he was seen by a vet.
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“After running some diagnostics including x-rays it was determined he had no broken bones but was in shock. To make matters worse…this poor boy was suffering from an upper respiratory infection to boot. This little kitten burrito was snuggled, medicated and given lots of TLC…,” the shelter said on Facebook.
Even though the kitten was now safe and well, he obviously made a big impression on Officer Martin who returned to the shelter a few times to check on him.
The next time the policeman visited the shelter to see the kitten, who was given the name Oreo, he decided to foster him with the intention of adoption.
“Officer Martin stopped in a few times to check on this little baby we named, Oreo. Well…on Saturday he decided to officially become Oreo’s dad AND hero! He is fostering to adopt this kitten that he truly saved from death,” the shelter’s Facebook post continued.
“We thank him and all of our animal loving officers who keep us and the animals safe every day! Oreo will grow up safe and happy thanks to Officer Martin!”
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ANNA Shelter also shared images of little Oreo all wrapped up after his ordeal, in the shelter looking a little brighter and one being cuddled by Officer Martin.
At this stage Oreo is so tiny his body pretty much fits into Officer Martin’s hands, and by the looks of the photo the kitty is very content with that.
The Shelter’s Facebook post was filled with comments thanking Officer Martin for his kindness and praising him as an example for the community.
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